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Sunday, June 12, 2011

 Today is June 12, 2011 and I've been in Iraq for a little over a month. They say things are supposed to be getting easier, but this damn thing is hard to do. I miss my girls more and more everyday, but at least we have Skype and a telephone so that there's means of communication. I'll tell you what, I don't know how people deployed when all they had to rely on was letters in the mail, I'd be going insane if that's all I had. Anyways, Shannon is such a wonderful wife, mother, and best friend. I feel as though, she deserves all the credit for what we are going through. Yeah, i'm in a war zone but she has to keep everything going at home. My job here is easy, I just sleep, workout and go to work. While my wonderful wife has to keep everything moving like normal, and for that I am thankful. There's not enough words to fully explain how I feel about my wife and my girls. Anyone who knows Shannon knows she has a heart of gold and would give you the shirt off her back, that's just the type of person she is. If it wasn't for her, I don't think I'd be able to do what I'm doing right now. I know this is supposed to be a day to day blog, but since this is my first one, I'll just express my gratitude and love for Shannon Lee Herrera. Then as the days go on, I'll give updates of what's going on out here. Shannon stole my heart in 7th grade when she wrote in my yearbook and left her phone number. Hell, I was goner that day. I thought I was the coolest kid at the time cause "Shannon Trujillo" signed my yearbook lol. But we never looked back. Here we are getting ready to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary, but also 12 years together total. It's had its ups and downs that's for sure, but the ups trump the downs, that's for sure. She continues to make me fall in love with her on a daily basis. When I call her in the morning from here, and as soon as she says hello (in her sexy morning voice, I might add), I fall deeper in love with her. I feel we have a growing relationship everyday, and she is not only my wife, the mother of my children, but she is truly my best friend. So baby, this is to you, thank you for everything you do on a daily basis and just know you are appreciated. I'm sorry for the things we argue and fight about, but you are my rock, you are who I lean upon for everything so heavily. You are a strong woman, because I lean on you every single day that i'm out here, and you have never let me drop. So baby, I love you and give those beautiful girls of ours a kiss from daddy. Signing off now...I LOVE YOU HONEY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aw! I'm glad you posted this Rick!
    Wow 7th grade! That's crazy! And yes Shannon is an amazing woman and mother! She is doing so great with the girls although I'm not there anymore to see for myself :(
    I know she misses you with everything she has. Before you know it this depployment will be over with and you guys will be back home with the girls, looking back thinking how did we do that? (how bout you get orders to Alaska so we can be neighbors again)...I am glad you have ways of communication, I don't know how they did it with just letters either!
    Keep that sexy morning voice coming Shannon! Baby #3 ;)
